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"Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones," right?


(Proverbs 16:24)

Keep fueled, hydrated, and recover with Honey Stinger!


You can count on my kitchen being stocked with all the goods, and ice cream is just the halo on top. 

New year, new partnership, and I was chosen as a new Halo Top partner to start 2023!

I'll be sharing and scooping, as usual. 

Picky Bars is committed to making food that fuels and tastes great, using real, simple ingredients. Taking care of our minds and bodies as athletes can be life-changing, and that is something that former a professional triathlete and professional runner couple Lauren and Jesse set out to help the world understand and accomplish with their brand.


Whether you're picky or not Picky Bars (& Oats, PB Drizzle, & Granola), with their witty attitude, clever product names, and incredible resources, will have something you can benefit from!


Stay tuned for updates, seasonal deals, and discounts x me!

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Elevated Faith is a Christian company that was started at the grassroots level and has grown nationwide to sell stickers, bracelets, and clothes that emphasize faith in daily life. A portion of all purchases go to help various organizations to help other's lives and shine God's light to the world.

Below is a link to my referral page.

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