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Dance, Stand, Run: Part 2

After the previous post was short and sweet stuff to keep in mind, here are a few ideas that make great illustrations and parallels with things in daily life! Plus, I added a couple cool things that happened over the days I was reading this!

Real-life parallels

Keep showing up. Consistency is key. We never have to earn anything from God, but we may have to earn our right to be heard and trusted by others. Be there for people, not just when it's convenient or easy. Go feet first--go, do, then (maybe) talk. (Galatians 6:9-10, Hebrews 12:1-3, Matthew 28:19-20, Philippians 2:3, 1 John 3:18, Ephesians 2:8-9, 4:15)

Like food and health trends, people are always finding new things to eat, drink, live, and be better, but really, real, whole food is quality, sustaining, simple, and life-giving. In the same way, people try to overcomplicate the gospel and living it out, but God's word is simple, clear, and life-giving.

We shouldn't (although we do) stop eating and drinking when we get busy and stressed, we think we don't have time and make it for a little while, but eventually we crash. The same thing happens if we get busy and stressed in try to keep going without time with God. (John 6:35, Proverbs 16:24, Matthew 11:28-30, Isaiah 40:29-31) (*I also realize I said "should" after just encouraging to stop shoulding on ourselves...but, ya know)

It's not about the shoes you're wearing but the foundation you're standing on. (Matthew 7:24, 1 Corinthians 3:12, 1 Timothy 6:19, Luke 6:48, 1 Samuel 16:7)

You don't want to run without the right gear (shoes, clothes, watch, etc.), and you don't want to go through life without putting on the armor of God. (Ephesians 6) You don't want to train without fuel, and you can't recover without it. You don't want to step into each day without God's word to fuel you and guide you, and you need it to rest and recover, too.

--I definitely don't want to run in my Chacos, and I certainly don't want to make important decisions without praying about them. All my hard work won't matter, will probably even hurt me, if I don't eat and sleep afterwards just like all my good intentions aren't worth anything eternal if I'm always busy but never taking time slow down and get the refreshment I need to keep going.

Sprints have a purpose, but we can't sprint all the time. More often, we have to slow down to grow. --This has been another challenge for most of my life, and I have suffered because of it time and time again, physically and mentally. In those times when I (usually had to be forced to, either by circumstance or another person) slow down, I learn so much and really enjoy and appreciate both big and little things so much more. We can't heal if we're always pushing through.

I can run the race of life God has for me with joy because I didn't have to apply based on my past performances and hope I got accepted. God invited me. He doesn't need me in the race to win; He already won. He doesn't need me on His team, but He wants me. (Hebrews 12:1-2, Psalm 119:32, 1 Corinthians 9:24-25, 1 John 5:4, Deuteronomy 20:4, Proverbs 21:31, 1 Corinthians 15:57)

Fight feelings with truth.

I feel _____ but I know ______.

I feel lonely, but I know God promises to be with me. (Joshua 1:9, Deuteronomy 31:6

I feel completely uncertain about my future, but I know God has a good plan completely set in stone for my life. (Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 139:16)

I feel tired, but God gives me strength to do whatever He calls me to do. (Philippians 2:13, 4:13, Isaiah 40:29-31, Matthew 11:28-30, 2 Corinthians 12:10)

With every passing season, it is easier and easier to put yourself out there however you want to be seen, but I have to remember that I am here to be a light, an earthy image of a holy God. I am a lighthouse with God's light shining through to a dark world. I am the tangible, visible representation of Christ's love and grace. (Matthew 5:14-16, John 8:12, Ephesians 5:8)

I can post great things but hoping a certain person takes it a certain way, but that's not what I'm here to do. I really have so little control in the grand scheme of things, and I have to keep my priorities straight, trusting that the right people will see the right things at the right time.

a "god is Good" story

My home church pastor has often said that we are to be seen doing good but not doing good to be seen, but we all know that it feels so good for someone to actually tell you when you've done something to impact them or simply encourage you. God will send these little nudges to keep going when you need them. Oftentimes it's in little things He sends us when we least expect them and when no one else knows, but it's one of those things that you just know has to be from God. I call these "God is good moments," and I write them down; it's super encouraging to look back on!

One of these, for example, happened very recently and related to this book.

Something/someone had been on my mind and heart a lot lately, and while I was walking my dog one morning I was really praying about it. I really don't know much of the other side of the story other than what I think, and my whole future is so uncertain, I was really praying that I don't waste my time and energy. I pretty much just asked God to show me if it was worth it or help me drop it and move on. By that night I just had to laugh out loud and text my best friend to tell her because it was one thing after another that day. Reading DSR, the first paragraph of the chapter Jess mentioned her husband's name, same as this person; Christine Caine (one of my other favorite speakers) 's daily email was with her husband, also the same name; then I got an email from someone asking me to do a social media feature later this month, and can you guess what his name was?


On the last chapter last week, there was an emphasis on calling and who we are as God's daughters to dance in grace, stand our ground, and run on mission, and it referenced the verse in 1 Peter 2 that says, "to this you were called..." Later that night, the Christine Caine email devotion of the day used that same verse! The chapter also reminded us that we are to be in the world but also set apart. Watching some TikToks later, Craig Groeshel hit the same subject, saying that calling is who we are before what we do, also using the verse that we are called to a holy life and are set apart!

I know God is always good, but it's moments like these that He reminds me and gives me a little extra something to keep me going.

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