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I Don't Know Where to Even Start, So I'll Start With a Summary: *2022*

I don't know about you, but I really felt 2022.

A lot of feels.

2022 was a whirlwind of feeling like everything was falling apart, other times it was like I was just stuck, then later, everything was coming together in ways I never could have imagined. My college running career ended with a third consecutive injury and anemia without getting to even take a shot at any of my big goals for the year, and I had no clue what I was going to do when I graduated. In a couple months, I was able to run again on my own and loved being an intern in the weight room. I got to spend a week in Indianapolis representing the Southern Conference at the NCAA Convention and had a blast with all the people I met. I got to be more social than the previous five and half years of college, and I was so thankful, but at the same time, it made me depressed for everything I missed out on, and now college was over.

Looking back (into 2021, too), I can see so many things that God was working together to prepare me and get me to where I am now. It's crazy. These little stories deserve some air time of their own later.

It was really great to spend a couple months at home. I love the peace of the lake and land, our neighbors, and the scenery I get to run through there (yes, I also usually love the monstrous hills). Time at home and a beach trip with Mom and Dad were the best this year. Nothing special, but special, ya know?

Applying for a billion jobs over three months and getting two interviews was exhausting and discouraging, but it only takes one. And that one happened quick. There's a Craig Groeschel quote I have saved that says, "When it's not God's time, you can't force it. When it is God's time, you can't stop it," and buddy, that's what happened.

I took a long shot on applying for a position because, "Why not? I'm qualified for it." and three interviews and six days later I was in Florida. Working in the NFL. Unreal.

Before getting into anything else in all that, here is an Instagram-story-style recap of the wild year that was 2022.

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